Can you "train" 2 silkie roosters to get along?

Sometimes giving them more space allows them to pick out their own territories. I never had trouble with Rhode Island Red roosters, but they free ranged on six acres.
Best advice here, keep the one that you like best, and fits best with your females, and rehome the other one. If either are thinking bad thoughts in your direction, definitely remove that one!

Welcome to BYC! I agree w the above and would take that advice.
Being raised together makes no difference now that their hormones have come in….Rehome one of them and everyone will breathe a sigh of relief.
Keep us updated, and let us know how it goes!
Every time you take a chicken out of a flock and put it back in some birds, especially cockerels will need to prove their dominance over the new comer. In order for cockerels to get along they need to be left together to work it out. It will not always work. If the less powerful bird never gives up or the more powerful bird does not acknowledge retreats it will not work.

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