Cayuga cross with Drake that looks like either an orpington/golden cascade


Mar 3, 2023
Hey there,

I’m new and can’t find anyone to have asked this. But, I have a female Cayuga and a Drake that looks like he could be orpington cross type or golden cascade cross of some sorts. Anyway, the have been mating since I have had them but I just now am getting eggs from them. I have 4 in the incubator and just candles. They’re all doing really well. I am curious if the Cayuga genes are dominant traits or if anyone has had a similar mix before and how they turned out.
I can't speak for the drake, but my Cayuga/Magpie crosses all ended up being black with just a touch of white on their chests.

Also, :welcome !
I’m not too worried about what he is. I bought them both off a local farm so he’s most likely a cross of one of the breeds I mentioned.
Did they lay the black/grey eggs?
Thank you!
Hey there,

I’m new and can’t find anyone to have asked this. But, I have a female Cayuga and a Drake that looks like he could be orpington cross type or golden cascade cross of some sorts. Anyway, the have been mating since I have had them but I just now am getting eggs from them. I have 4 in the incubator and just candles. They’re all doing really well. I am curious if the Cayuga genes are dominant traits or if anyone has had a similar mix before and how they turned out.
Yes, black is dominant so if she is a full Cayuga you should get all black ducklings.
I can't speak for the drake, but my Cayuga/Magpie crosses all ended up being black with just a touch of white on their chests.

Also, :welcome !
Could you post a pic of your Cayuga/magpie? I have one and wondering if it's a drake ?


  • IMG_7717.jpeg
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That's him on the right, between the two chocolate Muscovy.

Only way to really tell with a black duck is by their voice and the curly tail feather. Drakes have a raspy voice as compared to the loud clear QUACK! of the females, and when old enough they grow a curly feather on their tail.

How old is yours?

Two girls above are Cayuga/Buff. The chocolate brown is Cayuga/Welsh. The Cayuga/Buff males were more grey. I’ll add a picture when I find it. I’m fairly certain this is the correct breed, but not totally positive

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