changed colors?


8 Years
Jun 19, 2015
Central Alabama
I think it might fit here best.
out of my little flock I have 2 Barred Rocks. they are coming 3, 2nd year laying.
In winter they went through a hard molt.
Now one of them looks more like a calico than the previous black and white pattern.
the discoloration is as far as I can tell symetrical over the wings etc.
She is fine, laying yer eggs, doing her thing.

They are from TSC, so not particularly the best examples of the breed.
Can you post a picture? Before and after the change would be most helpful, but at minimum a current picture of the bird would be helpful to assess what might be going on. 🙂
I don't have barred breeds and do not know if that happens with barred chickens but I have seen that with mottled chickens. You would not believe it was the same hen after the molt. Totally different genetics than barred.

I'm not an expert, hopefully one of the guru's will see this and respond. More out of curiosity than anything else do you have photos you could post.

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