Chick losing feathers!


6 Years
Jun 14, 2017
So, I hatched some coturnix quail 5 days ago, and one never stopped looking slightly damp even though it had dried off. In the past couple of days I've noticed that it is now missing patches of fluff on its back and chest, and then saw that when it scratches itself, it's feathers fall out. Its behavior seems perfectly healthy, and it does not seem to be in any pain, and none of the other chicks seem to be having this issue.

Do I just need to clean the chick? Is it possible that it was born with some sort of skin condition?
Strange! Could have been born with a feather mutation even, it seems it might become bald? Awww xD
That would certainly be interesting. It's regular wing feathers are growing in along with the others' though! Maybe the rest of its adult feathers will come in as well.
It could be regular molting or a feather condition, time will tell. :) You could also examine the quail for any signs of mites, but since none of the others are showing any signs, it may not be that.

You should see my living room when my painted quail I raise start molting out of their baby feathers and into their adult feathers... Feathers. Everywhere. :lau I never knew they had so many.

As mine molt into their adult feathers, they sometimes get bare spots that later get filled in by the adult plumage. The molting and pinning process does get quite itchy for them too.

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