Chick Starter/Grower for Pullets/Hens,/Rooster for now?


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2023
Hello, I have been doing a lot of research here regarding the types of feed to give our chickens. I looked at other threads and thought my situation was a little unique so that's why I am posting. I currently have ten 12 week pullets, one young rooster, and two adult laying hens (EE and Americana) outside. I just introduced them together and was wondering what I should give them long term as the pullets are around 12 weeks old and there is now a rooster with the flock. I was previously giving my hens layer feed but I know now that is not viable for my young ones. I have seen a few that have caught my eye, such as Kalmbach. I'm trying to find non-gmo and organic feeds but would consider just non-gmo if I had too. Kalmbach 20% all flock seemed to be the right choice. I currently have this feed now (Nature's Best Organic Chick Starter/Grower Crumbles) for my young pullets/rooster and was wondering if I could use this now for my other two adult hens. I would of course need to get oyster shells as a supplement for the all flock feed. If anyone else recommends another all flock feed that is ATLEAST non-gmo please let me know :)


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It's totally fine to give your older chickens starter/grower, as long as you have the OS on the side like you said. I've done it. Idk if it's ideal for long-term, but it's fine for a while.

I can't give you advice on the organic/non-GMO stuff. I've bought DuMor's organic before and it was fine, but these days I don't bother because I think all that stuff is way too expensive and I'm not sure the product is much better.
It's totally fine to give your older chickens starter/grower, as long as you have the OS on the side like you said. I've done it. Idk if it's ideal for long-term, but it's fine for a while.

I can't give you advice on the organic/non-GMO stuff. I've bought DuMor's organic before and it was fine, but these days I don't bother because I think all that stuff is way too expensive and I'm not sure the product is much better.
Thank you, is there any brand of oyster shell you recommend? I saw scratch and peck was a good one, although expensive, seemed to be the best choice for most birds then the pebble varieties.
Thank you, is there any brand of oyster shell you recommend? I saw scratch and peck was a good one, although expensive, seemed to be the best choice for most birds then the pebble varieties.
I'm so sorry I never saw this until now! You probably found your answer already but if you prefer the flaked oyster shell over the pebbled, I would recommend a brand called Small Pet Select. It's cheaper than Scratch and Peck but looks to be about the same, and my birds (some are picky about OS) eat it. I think the best price for it is on Amazon. Good luck!

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