Chick wont walk or stand! please help!


Nov 12, 2016
USA, Michigan
My chick is about four or five days old, but she cant walk or stand. I have to give her water and food by hand because she wont eat or drink on her own. When she tries to stand she only lifts her back end, but she does not lift her front. At first i thought she had splay leg because she would sit with her leg spread out behind her. So i made a brace around her legs with some vet wrap. Now she wont lay down normal and keeps pushing her back end up so much that she will tip over. I have read that people will give their chicks vitamins to help them but i don't know what vitamins to get or where to get them. I have also heard that physical therapy can help but i don't know how to do that. Can someone please help me fast, i don't want this chick to die.
Most feed stores sell poultry vitamins to add to the water. There should be several brands. Baby vitamins such as PolyVisol without iron 2-3 drops daily can also be given until you find them. You might try to make her a chick chair so her feet touch the floor (see pics below.) Splay leg is very common, but there can be other leg deformities such as a slipped tendon, varus valgus deformity, and neurological problems from hatch where they cannot stand. Here is some reading for you, and I hope that you will be able to help the chick:

Wow, thank you for all of the great information! I think i will try to make one of those chick chairs.
I read in one of the articles that adding vitamin b to their food can cure some leg problems, do you know where i can get that?
I would get somepoultry or chick vitamins, since they contain all of the B vitamins. B2 or riboflavin can be really important. I have used crushed human B complex as well.

NutriDrench is good, but it does not have riboflavin (vitamin B2) which I think should always be fiven with leg problems. However, Poultry Cell which is pretty much identical , does contain riboflavin. It is best to just read the label to make sure rivoflavin is in the ingredients.
I crushed up a human vitamin b pill and have been sprinkling a little bit of it in her food. Today i bought some NutriDrench and gave her a drop at 2:00 pm. How long should i wait before i give her more? I also made a chick chair for her because she still has not been able to stand. but now she is starting to eat on her own. i still have a brace on her legs so they can straighten more. Also is it ok to give her the vitamin b in her food while i am giving her the NutriDrench? She is chirping a lot now and i don't know if that means something is wrong.

here is a picture of her in her chair...
Now today she is barely peeping, not eating much, looking very lethargic and sleeping a lot. What should i do? Did the chick chair make it worse? Should i take her out of it? I am really worried about her. she is also sort of making a slight clicking noise when she breaths, and a bit when she peeps. Someone please reply quickly!
I'm sorry that she is worse. Is she drinking enough fluids and eating? Can you give her some fluids with a dropper? You can take her out of the chair if you think it could be making her worse. Keep in mind that she may just be a weak chick, and might not make it, but I really hope she does.

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