Chicken found alone on road; what do we do???


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
We were just driving back from the store when we saw a Rhode Island Red hen walking around on the side of the road, pecking at the ground and acting normal. It's pretty common to see a flock of chickens or ducks, etc. walking around in someone's yard, but this hen was alone and there weren't many houses that looked like they had chickens nearby. It seemed strange for her to be alone, with no other chicken in sight and not many houses around. I asked my mom if we could walk back up the road and get her(she was not very far from my house) but she said no because the hen may belong to someone. She looked like she was in good condition; nice, beautiful feathers, etc.
I keep thinking that she may be lost and I worry that she may get hit by a car or eaten by another animal.
We aren't sure if she's still up there, but what should we do??? Should we just leave her alone or should we go pick her up?

Your mom is probably right. I'd leave her where she might get arrested for chicken rustling if you bring her home!!
Notice my signature!
And if she did happen to belong to someone, it would be ignorant to just eat their chicken.
I would have to go get her; its not like other animals . . .she is pretty defenseless. You can always start calling the neighbors to see if anyone lost a hen. At least she will be taken care of until her owner shows up!!

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