Chicken respiratory systems- did I screw up??


Apr 9, 2024
A couple days ago I pan fried some fish and the house still smelled like it 24 hours later. I was going to boil some water with drops of citronella oil over the stove the help with the smell. Before doing so, I checked if citronella is safe for birds and found out it isn't, so I didn't use it.

I went down a reading rabbit hole about learning just how delicate birds' respiratory systems really are-- I had no idea. The kitchen adjoins the room that they're in, and I'm so worried I might have hurt them.

Additionally, when we clean stuff from their brooder, we usually do it in the kitchen sink and then disinfect the sink, faucets, and surfaces with Lysol. Is this also something I shouldn't do even if it's in an adjoining room? I didnt find much about that during a search on this forum, other than that some people say they use Lysol to clean their brooder and coop.

Lastly, we also burn incense in the evenings. Before learning just how sensitive they are, we just assumed it wouldn't be good for them, so we have purposely been doing it at the front of the house. The birds are at the back of the house where the smell doesn't reach. But are they so sensitive that we just shouldnt burn it at all while they're here? I'm so worried now that I probably won't anyways, but in theory, would burning it in a separate room with a closed door and the window open be enough to keep it away from them?

One more detail is that the chicks have had a pretty strong air purifier next to them from day 1 because we wanted to get ahead of any dust issues. (So far so good). So I'm hoping that that was helpful to protect them.

I'm feeling SO worried. Haven't noticed any changes in behavior or anything like sneezing. Thoughts?
Welcome to BYC! Congrats on your new babies- you will find a lot of information out there. Yes they have sensitive respiratory systems- it is very good to be aware and cautious of that. I think everything you have done so far is not putting them in danger. So keep doing what you are doing and enjoy your chicks!

Ps. When I was a new chick mom ten years ago I accidentally left the natural gas on the stove on without a flame (knob got turned on accidentally while cleaning) girls were in the brooder in the next room and thankfully everyone was fine- including the humans.

I never burned incense but definitely lit a few candles along the way and everyone turned out fine lol

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