Chickens don't have sphincters....??


BeakHouse's Mad Chicken Scientist
15 Years
Aug 17, 2008
Larry, KS
My Coop
My Coop
Okay, I've heard the phrase bandied about with abandon, and yet they clearly have a set of muscles back there, as it's a pulsing pucker.

I had a malformed chick that had to be culled and I discussed the vent situation of her with my vet- because the bird had a misalignment and was excreting from a hole beneath the vent. The vent musculature was the vet's concern- that even if the bird did have proper waste leaving, the lack of muscles in the hole it was using would lead to other issues. Upset about the chick, I neglected to ask about this popular idea regarding no sphincter.

Clearly, chickens can control it some, because a broody will hold it until she's off the nest- 24 hours at a time. Clearly, they plop out a certain amount all at once, with some force, rather than it trickling/oozing out it did with my chick. Clearly, the round muscle structure fits the description of a sphincter.

So, what gives? Where did the idea they haven't musculature in the vent originate?
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Does this have anything to do with the question: do chickens have lips?
I was wondering the same thing. Yesterday we cleaned out the girls pen and while we cleaned we put them into a small dog carrier. All three of them were in there for a half an hour and no poop. Can they really control it?
I do think they must be able to control it somewhat because I always hold some of my pullets on my lap for like a half and hour sometimes. They have never pooped on me. Soon as I put them down then they poop. Also, what about other birds like parrots? They must have some muscle tone there because people can train them not to potty by using a hand signal of when to go.
My 3 sleep in a smallish crate in the garage in the evenings.
I've noticed the BA and RIR do not poop in there. When they are put in a much larger area in the a.m.
they pass large/smelly poops. I imagine they are similar to broody poop, but probably don't hold a candle to the real thing.

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