Clear/Yellowish jelly like coming out of a pipped guinea egg - what is it or what happen?


8 Years
Jun 6, 2011
King William
I did a search on this subject but didn't find what I was looking for however I have a guinea egg that has pipped. There were no power outages, temp problems or humidity problems with this hatch. 40 total eggs and I used an egg turner. Six keets hatched yesterday and so far 3 more have hatched today. Today is day 25. This certain egg started to pip yesterday and it looked like everything was going ok. Today, there has been no progess but a clear/yellowish jelly like fluid has started coming out of the egg. Does any one know what this is? And why? Thanks for any help!
Fluid seeping from the egg like that is usually caused by fluid build-up from excess humidity. Or the keet may have ruptured it's yolk sac. Is it still alive?
I don't know if it is still alive. There has been no progress in 24 hours except for the jelly like stuff leaking out of the small hole the keet had started to pip. Should I "help it"?
That was a really great read! Thank you for pointing me in that direction. I am at work now but when I get home I will do as advised and will let you know how it goes. Thank you so much for your help!!
You're welcome. Please keep me posted. I hope the keet's o.k. still
Bad news. The keet was dead. I wonder if the yolk sack had ruptured and it may have drowned. Can that happen? If it was high humidity wouldn't I be having a low hatch rate and right now 32 of the 40 eggs have hatched and all seem healthly. I usually use a broody hen but for some reason none were going broody and I had a lot of eggs so I decided to get the incubator out of storage and go for it. Of course, as soon as I had loaded up the incubator, 4 hens went broody. Thanks again for your help!!! You have been great!!
I'm so sorry! I don't suppose I can talk you into doing an "eggtopsy" to see if it was indeed the yolk sac as I suspected? It does happen sometimes that the chick/keet accidentally ruptures the yolk during the hatch. Sometimes they survive with extra care, some don't make it. Congrats on the successful hatch though! 32/40 is not bad at all. Maybe you should rope in the broodies to help you raise these youngsters. And you are most welcome

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