Cooked Pearl Barley


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
South Lancaster
Since winter has kicked in and we have snow covering the grass, I've been trying different treats for the girls. They turned their beaks up at cooked pumpkin and squash. They love cooked cabbage and tolerate cooked carrot. No raw foods though.

Their all time favorite is cooked pearl barley. I had some left over from a meal and gave it to them. You would have thought They were starving the way they ate that stuff. Now if I go out with a bag, or the pot they all come running and demand their barley. If I don't have barley they fuss and fuss, picking ever so meagerly at what I did bring them. The only thing the seem to like more is slices of fresh bread.

Spoiled Chickens!
I give mine split peas. I don't cook them and just mix them into their normal feed. They seem to love them and pick them out right along with the scratch I mix in for the winter. Our winters though are not nearly as bad as most up North. We also planted rye grass seed and the yard and most of our pastures are green with it now. Looks so pretty. The chickens that free range love eating it also.
I think I'll try rye seed next fall. I know the snow will still cover it but maybe it will be green sooner than the regular grass in May.

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