Coop next to transformer box?


Apr 7, 2020

I'm preparing for ducklings and I have a small yard with very limited areas where my duck coop can go. I did find the perfect spot though.....or so I thought....but then I realized it's about 3 feet away from the large green electric/transformer box(those 3'x3' square ones) we have in our yard (hate that thing!). I do have a wood lattice trellis with a vine covering it but it does emit an extremely low only audible if you're listening for it constant hum, and the ground about a foot out around the box is always warmer. I got to wondering if the sound or electromagnetic field (if thats even a thing, not sure how these boxes work exactly) could negatively affect the ducks? I know it's a weird question but just wondering if anybody had some experiences or thoughts on this.

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As an electrician, I wouldn’t worry about it, the transformers magnetic field will be self canceling, as to the noise bothering them I would have no idea. Make sure that you are far enough away so that your utility providers linemen can access the transformer, they need 3’ all the way around In obstructed for their own safety. Flowers are one thing, but I’ve seen some crazy stuff to hide those and it can be very dangerous, depending on the utility they can make you move anything that violates their standards.

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