Coop question for flock additions


Jun 5, 2023
Hi all!
We have two one year old silver laced wyandottes and three youngsters (about ten weeks old) that we’ve had in a sectioned off part of our existing pen for about two and a half weeks now to have them side by side our older girls. my husband removed a section for the youngsters to be able to leave the pen and explore. so far the older girls are intimidating and bullying as to be expected. But I’m wondering what to do at night.. the pullets are too afraid to go into the coop and I don’t want to force them for fear of the older girls attacking them or worse. for the two and a half weeks of side by side, we brought them in at night and returned them to their large bin we raised them in. I’m afraid of letting them be loose and exposed at night in the pen, any suggestions?
Until you are ready to integrate them in the coop itself I would continue bringing them in.

If you're saying you're ready now to integrate them into the coop, then photos of your coop would be very helpful. Ideally you'd separate part of the coop for them, or the way I handle it is I put a small cage inside the coop and lock them in there for the night for safety.

When the chicks decide to join my adults on their own the cage goes away.

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