crested cream legbar hen x Cochin roo


Free Ranging
Jan 29, 2021
would the babies end up sexlinked? I know depending on the cross the boys will have a white dot on the head and females will not. is this one that would do that?
One is blue one is splash.
Yes, crossing either of those to a Cream Legbar hen should give color-sexable chicks.

Sons will have white barring, and hatch with a light dot on top of their heads, but daughters will not.

Chicks will probably be blue (from either rooster) or black (half of chicks from the blue rooster).

If you get chicks of some other colors, then it means the roosters are carrying some recessive genes as well. Chicks with no barring will still be female, but some chicks may be barred (male) without showing the light dot on their head at hatch (so you can't easily pick them out at hatch but have to wait until they grow enough feathers to show the barring clearly. And certain light colors of feathers do not show barring very well at any age.)
Yes, crossing either of those to a Cream Legbar hen should give color-sexable chicks.

Sons will have white barring, and hatch with a light dot on top of their heads, but daughters will not.

Chicks will probably be blue (from either rooster) or black (half of chicks from the blue rooster).

If you get chicks of some other colors, then it means the roosters are carrying some recessive genes as well. Chicks with no barring will still be female, but some chicks may be barred (male) without showing the light dot on their head at hatch (so you can't easily pick them out at hatch but have to wait until they grow enough feathers to show the barring clearly. And certain light colors of feathers do not show barring very well at any age.)
Thank you.

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