cutting hole in chainlink fence


12 Years
Mar 17, 2010
essexville, michigan
I want to build a coop and add a dog pen to the coop for a run, and want to have the pop door going through the chainlink. How can I cut the fence and attach it to the coop? thanks
You just un-thread the rods, loosen one from the top or bottom and with a bit of puling and twisting it will come right out. It's sort of woven together.
In the hardware store where they sell fencing they also sell 1/2" wide strips that you can then insert to close up the loose ends, making a nice neat stable finish so the opened up edge stays straight.
Chain link is different from welded wire that I use, but I's think real hard about Bear Foot Farm's idea. It's what I did wiith my welded wire fence.

I built two wooden rectangular frames exactly the same size out of 2x4's since that is the scrap wood I had. Kinda heavy but it worked. I then cut the hole in the welded wire fencing and screwed the two frames together, one on each side of the fence. That firmly clamped that rectangle to the fence. It would keep your chain link form unraveling by clamping it. This frame had about 12" x 12" clear space inside. It is a few inches above ground level and works well. I put a guillotine type door on it so it is real easy to close if I want to.

I did not do this with chain link but welded wire. I don't know how big a risk you have of the chain link unraveling when you cut it and before you get the frame screwed on. You might need to use wire or hog rings to keep the chain link from unraveling. I really don't know about that.

Something else I did was to make a tunnel out of hardware cloth to attach my elevated grow-out coop to the run. I made a mistake and made it one foot square. I really should have made it 18" high. The adults can still use it but they have to scrunch down. Near ground level that is not a big deal but up high and with a tunnel it is more of an issue.

I bent the hardware cloth into the shape I wanted and used J-Clips to hold it together. It is about 18" long. I attached it to my wooden grow-out coop by flaring the ends of the hardware cloth and using 1/2" thick boards over those ends to screw to the coop. I attached it to my welded wire fence with J-clips. Hog rings or wire would work really well too. Then I attached a board to the bottom of the tunnel by drilling holes in the wood and using wire to give them a solid footing.

There are lots of different things you could do. Hopefully you can get some useful ideas with what I did with welded wire that can help you. Good luck.
I want to build a coop and add a dog pen to the coop for a run, and want to have the pop door going through the chainlink. How can I cut the fence and attach it to the coop? thanks
How did this work out for you? We are wanting to do the same thing.

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