Day 21 no pipping or chirping


Sep 9, 2021
First time incubating eggs here šŸ£
It's 21 days since I placed my lavender Sussex eggs in.
Initially I had the temp at 36.8 and the humidity was quite high around 70% I managed to get the humidity correct at day 10 and upped the temp to 37.5.
I have candled at 7/14 and day 18 and all had movement and I locked them down.
Some people say not to count the day they go in as day 1?
Would the initial lower temp and higher humidity, delay hatch?
I also now can't get the humidity above 55% and don't want to add to much more water?
Photo isn't great but day 18 candling of one egg, all moving.


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Did you calibrate your thermometer ? That does not look like an '18 day' egg. The incubator may have been running even lower that you thought. There's still a lot of developing to take place. Hoping for a successful hatch for you.
Yes, I used a second thermometer and read the same reading.
Does matter if they are not at the correct development stage and I have removed the Turing trays then šŸ™„
Day 18 eggs would be completely black when candling due to the chick being full size and getting ready to hatch.
If you are seeing movement is it only when you are moving the egg? Those eggs do not look right and are at about a 10 day development stage.
Some where completely dark and hard to see, the eggs were all collected that week from breeder
Some where completely dark and hard to see, the eggs were all collected that week from breeder
I just checked and the air sack has increased and they are all dark except that 1.


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