Day old chick with possible hip dislocation

My lil one is doing something similar but won't put weight on it. Two videos below show what she is doing. Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Here are two videos of my lil one having similar issues. She won't put any weight on it. I have tried the things on this post with her. Not better yet. Any input would be much appreciated.
Just an update. Yesterday evening, my chick with suspected hip dislocation declined and was euthanized. Unfortunately, a splint to try to hold its legs level and attempting to set the leg using the dangle method did not work.
Hi, i know that this thread is old, but I have a day old chick who got attacked by a barncat, and she has what appears to be a dislocated hip (the bone is jutting upward) and some scrapes around under her wings and on her lower back. How can i help her??

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