Dead or alive?


Sep 30, 2023
My candler is cheap. But I’m new to the chick hatching game and wanted to see if this was a dud egg or not? It’s black all around? Put them in incubator around the 28th or so of April. If any one has any tips I would love to be a better candler.


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At over a week old you should see blood vessels. I would say dud if you don’t.
I think I do. I just uploaded a second photo. But can’t tell if it’s a crack. All of my girls have thicker dark shells.
The second picture looks great!!
Okay. It’s so hard to tell. I threw an egg away because I thought it was a dud and it cracked open and I saw vessels. So I’m just nervous and want to give the best chance at life.
Okay. It’s so hard to tell. I threw an egg away because I thought it was a dud and it cracked open and I saw vessels. So I’m just nervous and want to give the best chance at life.
I would definitely wait to throw any eggs away until you are positive they are dead. But you can’t wait too long, or they can explode. First time incubating?
I would definitely wait to throw any eggs away until you are positive they are dead. But you can’t wait too long, or they can explode. First time incubating?
Yes. And I’m terrified of having an egg explode. And I can’t get my candler to candle on my dark shelled eggs. There’s one egg that’s so thick and dark I see absolutely nothing.
Yes. And I’m terrified of having an egg explode. And I can’t get my candler to candle on my dark shelled eggs. There’s one egg that’s so thick and dark I see absolutely nothing.
Maybe it would be worth it for you to invest in a better candler? Or maybe you could just find a very bright flashlight? I found this, but maybe you could find something a little cheaper😁 Or, maybe you could try to compare air sack sizes between the ones you know are doing good and the ones you are not sure about.
Yes. And I’m terrified of having an egg explode.
What causes an egg to go bad is that bacteria gets inside and multiplies. It doesn't matter if the egg is developing or not. If bacteria gets inside an egg that has a developing embryo it will kill that embryo. The way you tell if bacteria got inside is by sniffing the egg. If you smell the rotten egg smell get rid of it. If it doesn't have that smell, relax. I do not rely on candling at all for that, just smell.

When she lays an egg a hen puts a layer we call bloom on that egg. That's why they look wet as they are being laid. That bloom quickly dries and stops bacteria from entering as long as it is intact. Do not wash or sandpaper eggs you want to hatch so you leave the bloom intact. Only set relatively clean eggs. A light coating of dust isn't bad but a glob or dirt or poop is dangerous. Don't bother washing it off as the bloom has already been compromised.

The thought of an exploding egg is very dramatic. If can inspire fear. They can explode but what often happens is that they seep a foul smelling fluid when they go bad. Handle these eggs carefully, you sure do not want to break one, and get rid if it outside. Fear any egg that has the rotten egg smell.

A hen can lay eggs for two weeks in a hidden nest, then set on them for three more weeks to hatch them without bacteria getting inside. Some ducks can go for two weeks longer than that without a problem. Bloom is really effective.

I usually candle my chicken eggs at 7 days just out of curiosity. I want to get an idea on how it is going. Some eggs are so dark green I can't see inside them. I do not remove any eggs at this time, whether they look like they are developing or not. I just mark them with a check or an X.

I candle again when I go into lockdown. If I can clearly see that an egg is not developing and will not hatch I remove it. I'm not worried about it exploding as long as I don't smell that rotten egg smell. I just want it out of the way so it is easer to keep up with the eggs that do hatch.

I never have rotten eggs inside the incubator but I sterilize the incubator before I set eggs and I only set clean eggs with the bloom intact. I did have an egg go bad under a broody hen. It broke and ruined the hatch. No chicks hatched.

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