
In the Brooder
May 8, 2023
My over a month old Pekin can't walk. It's been breathing weird. Almost looks like it's gagging. I found him on his back and he kept toppling over when I first found him. He won't eat food. I have been giving him electrolytes and watered down food in a syringe and all. I don't know what's going on. I'm afraid he will die overnight. Very overwhelming please help


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What has it been eating? Are you doing anything to add extra niacin? What are the temperatures where your duck is?
It's been eating regular like any other duck besides a little mouse. It's a really small one which was yesterday I was told. I thought that but my mother does not think so. I used watered down food to give it more niacin. And it's quite warm where I am. We separated him from the rest of the flock. He have a towel on him as a blanket now
Ducks do not do well in heat. It needs to be kept cool. Please be more specific about how you are feeding? Is it a commercial duck food, all flock, or grains? Pekins often need more niacin than what commercial feed supplies.
Hello Sammy, I just read that Wrinkle died and I read back through all your posts. Are you feeding your ducks the same food you are feeding you chicks?

Ducks need more niacin the chickens -- and pekin ducks need the most niacin of all. I am thinking that Wrinkle was niacin deficient. I strongly advise you to add niacin to the diet of your ducks to prevent future problems.

I don't know where you live but if you can get nutritional yeast (from the supermarket or healthfood store) you might add that to the duck's food. Or alternatively you can use brewer's yeast. Nutritional yeast contains a higher concentration of niacin but brewer's yeast is much cheaper. You should sprinkle 1 tablespoon(15ml) yeast over 1 cup (250ml) of duck food.

We give all our ducklings brewer's yeast until they are fully grown, and continue to give it to our adult laying females.

I hope you hsve no further problems with your ducks

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