Egg Consumption before, during, and after dewormer


6 Years
Sep 20, 2017
We have a small flock of 9 chickens and after seeing tapeworms on some of the eggs we collected this week we have ordered Valbazen to treat them. It will be a couple of days before we receive the deworm solution and start the treatment process.
My questions are:
1) are the eggs safe for human consumption before we start the dewormer treatment? Can tapeworms be transmitted to humans consuming fully cooked eggs?
2) during the dewormer treatment and the 14 days post last treatment when we cannot consume the eggs, is it safe to cook them and grind them up with the egg shells and feed to the chickens for a free source of protein and calcium rather than waste all of the eggs during the 28 days or so of treatment and post treatment waiting time?
3) during the dewormer treatment and the 14 days post last treatment can the eggs be fed to other livestock or domestic pets?
THANK YOU for your help!
1. tapeworms do not infest inside the egg, hence why you see them on top of the eggs rather than inside (which very rarely roundworms can do).

2. I wouldn't hesitate to grind eggs and feed them back to the hens.

3. I personally wouldn't hesitate to grind eggs and feed them to livestock.

The amount of meds inside the eggs during worming is actually pretty small.

However, you may wish to use another med than Valbazen for tape worm. From my research only Praziquantel will work for tape worms in chickens. Often chicken owners use Zimecterin Gold horse paste....a pea size paste given orally to all. Repeat in 10 days.

1. tapeworms do not infest inside the egg, hence why you see them on top of the eggs rather than inside (which very rarely roundworms can do).

2. I wouldn't hesitate to grind eggs and feed them back to the hens.

3. I personally wouldn't hesitate to grind eggs and feed them to livestock.

The amount of meds inside the eggs during worming is actually pretty small.

However, you may wish to use another med than Valbazen for tape worm. From my research only Praziquantel will work for tape worms in chickens. Often chicken owners use Zimecterin Gold horse paste....a pea size paste given orally to all. Repeat in 10 days.


Thank you for your reply. I thought Valbazen would kill all but possibly the Cecal worms. listed Valbazen as well as a few Merck products. Since I ordered the Valbazen already and can't return it, I will hope for the best - thank you again for your reply!!
You may try treating with the Valbazen for 3 straight days. Praziquantel found in some wormers, is usually what vets treat tapeworm in dogs, and you can find it in horse wormers as well. Many here on BYC, claim that they have used Valbazen successfully on tapes, but it may require more than one day of treatment. Valbazen is great for most chicken worms, however, including cecal worms. So it would be good to use eventually, even if you get praziquantel for the tapes. I have never had tapes, but I use Valbazen when I decide to worm my flock.
You may try treating with the Valbazen for 3 straight days. Praziquantel found in some wormers, is usually what vets treat tapeworm in dogs, and you can find it in horse wormers as well. Many here on BYC, claim that they have used Valbazen successfully on tapes, but it may require more than one day of treatment. Valbazen is great for most chicken worms, however, including cecal worms. So it would be good to use eventually, even if you get praziquantel for the tapes. I have never had tapes, but I use Valbazen when I decide to worm my flock.

Thank you for your response. I had read on one of the posts on one website or another that rather than administer the dosage directly, they measured it out and let it be absorbed into a small piece of bread and then fed that piece of bread to their chicken - individually - to make sure each chicken got their dose. Have you tried any alternatives such as this or is it fairly easy to administer directly by holding the beak?

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