Egg Flag Contest! (Ends June 18th)


Blue Raptor

As Astera Per Aspera
Feb 20, 2021
Deutschland 🇩🇪
My Coop
My Coop
Hello there fowl-lovers :frow! We get WAY too many eggs each year, and my dad came up with an interesting thing for me to do: make the American flag out of eggs! I thought it was a cool idea, so I did it!
You can do it too! Just post a picture(s) of the flag you did, what country's flag it is, and maybe even your feathered friends who helped you make it!
You don't have to come from the country to be able to do it, and there can be several pictures of one country's flag, but try to throw some variety out there!
Here is my example:

Twinky and Brownie laying me a variety of egg colors for the flag of the Land of the Free and The Home of the Brave :highfive:!

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