Eliminating egg eating snakes (may seem graphic to some)

wow, that is a really good idea....although I would have to feed the snake to my girls afterwards. A relocated snake, unless taken to a reserve, turns into someone else's problem. Thanks for sharing!!!
Thanks for sharing the method he uses. It's surely effective, probably more so than using fake eggs. But I could and would never do that to a creature because it would be a really painful way to go. Hopefully he gets out there to finish the snake off soon after they ingest the hook. I'm definitely not for killing snakes, but it's a better result than letting it suffer with ripped guts.

How about you guys just catch them and send them to me? Ratsnakes are my favorite snakes to keep. lol
Anybody else ever try this? I have a snake that crawls between the hen house walls when we try to get it. He is hiding out in a pen where I have six lav orps 1 1/2 wks old and I really don't want him to get them when he runs out of eggs!
I have not tried this but I have tried the minnow traps and they didn't work for me. The best thing I have found is some cheap bird netting at Walmart($6) that is made to cover fruit trees to prevent birds from eating the fruit. All you do is roll it out, then kind of twist it and place in a path where snakes are likely to crawl. They crawl into the netting and cannot get out. We live on heavily wooded land and so far have caught 8 large rat snakes since April. For snake-lovers, you can cut the snake out and release them elsewhere. I love snakes, but after losing several half-grown guineas, two adult ducks, and many chicks, I have decided I hate rat snakes! Sue me!
I agree with the bird netting. We've caught many with it. You can let them go or dispatch of them quickly as to avoid suffering.

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