Evening Primrose in Run

Yes you can. I have some of it in my "acres of weeds". My birds won't touch it, completely ignore its existence. From time to time, I give some to my rabbits, but it has to be fed in moderation, because it has blood thinning properties. As a bi-annual plant, its not real attractive the first year, either.

But if you are worried about toxicity, no, its not of significant concern for chicken keepers.
Here's what UTenn has to say about it (not much, its not commercially valuable, and is mostly a weed)

Hope that helps.
Yes you can. I have some of it in my "acres of weeds". My birds won't touch it, completely ignore its existence. From time to time, I give some to my rabbits, but it has to be fed in moderation, because it has blood thinning properties. As a bi-annual plant, its not real attractive the first year, either.

But if you are worried about toxicity, no, its not of significant concern for chicken keepers.
Here's what UTenn has to say about it (not much, its not commercially valuable, and is mostly a weed)

Hope that helps.
I thank you for the reply. Been trying to find things I can transplant into the run.
My personal preference is to plant things that can benefit them in some fashion - I'm slowly eliminating the primrose (just as I am eliminating the dog fennel) as they break up my clays and more valuable plants (like flax and clover and numerous grasses) move in to the soils behind the advancing line of primrose.

and as warning, primrose can outcompete a lot of thinga, and makes a root like a parsnip or a carrot, even in clay soils - its manual work to control them. I'm unaware of any spray or weed/feed that won't take out more desired plants in addition.
Yes you can. I have some of it in my "acres of weeds". My birds won't touch it, completely ignore its existence. From time to time, I give some to my rabbits, but it has to be fed in moderation, because it has blood thinning properties. As a bi-annual plant, its not real attractive the first year, either.

But if you are worried about toxicity, no, its not of significant concern for chicken keepers.
Here's what UTenn has to say about it (not much, its not commercially valuable, and is mostly a weed)

Hope that helps.
I put some primrose in the run and they tried to devour it before I could get it covered. My goodness. They love it. 🤣
I put some primrose in the run and they tried to devour it before I could get it covered. My goodness. They love it. 🤣
You just never know.
I have a few birds in my flock that like to snag bits of oregano as it trails out my raised beds. Most won't touch it. I have a rooster that likes onion scapes! With many of these things, there's just no predicting. All we can do is share experiences, f'around and find out for ourselves.

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