EXTRA thick yolk... why?


9 Years
Jul 21, 2010
Hello all!

I have a chicken-- not sure which one actually, I have four-- that is laying a perfect egg, no weirdness by the look of it-- but the only thing odd is that it's super thick in the yolk part. The white is fine, but the yolk is very dense and thick. I went to make scrambled eggs with a couple other eggs and the yolk in question would not scramble.

any ideas why?

thanks so much
I've had these too. Not sure why, maybe someone else does. And
I'd like to say hydration but if they are laying good looking eggs, hydration is probably OK. But, just to be sure, you do provide water 24hours per day, right?

Are you feeding anything that is not commercial layer crumbles?
Perhaps there is some sort of high protein/exotic treats food that is resulting in gummy yolks.

Yes water all the time. Commercial lay feed. Sometimes some weeds, grass, occasional goat feed (not very often though), greens, veggie scraps....

Is this a possibility?

Thick, pasty, rubbery or
cheese-like yolk

Crude cottonseed oil (malvalic
acid and sterculic acid)

Avoid feeding to layers.


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