Feed turning to powder.


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Roanoke Alabama
I have some chick starter that's turning to powder in the bottom of the feeder. What causes this? It's purina chick starter if that matters. I dont think it's getting wet but I'm having to throw out so much feed.
Any chance you have bugs in it?

Some bage are more powdery. Someone posted once it was the end of the run bags.

They will learn to eat it also, some food just doesn't "hold together" as well as other. Just think of it like mash, don't throw it away.
(as long as its not moldy or wet etc)
Ok. I just wanted to make sure nothing was wrong with it. They already waste enough just being chicks and then the feed so I'll just leave it so they can eat it. Thanks.
Try adding some hot water to the powder, enough to make a crumbly dough the consistency of cookie dough. You can use leftover water from boiling vegetables for dinner (lots of vitamins!), gravy, old milk, yogurt... anything liquidy.

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