For all those who were sad or shocked about this post - I just want to clarify that I am only temporarily excluded from my paper files.
Nightshade will move at the sound of a can being opened in the kitchen.
Problem solved!
Oh good. I was quite concerned for you.
"Yellow" is not well

Well, now one of the B.O. pullets is not well, wanting to keep her eyes closed and sort of sleep, or tuck her head into her wings while standing. I just posted in the Emergencies forum. She seems very sensitive to light.
Would anyone have any thoughts? Shall I go to the vet with her or have them come here if they can?
Because I did find in the brooder on two separate mornings a bloody poop (and none since), which I thought was intestinal shedding, butu now I wonder, I have treated her with a single dose of powdered Corid solution for her weight (BTW I noticed the expiry date is April 2021, I think that's still okay). But otherwise there's not evidence of coccidiosis (I am doing a fecal float test on her sibling's poop right now.
I left a message at the vet. She makes it through the night and into tomorrow or she doesn't, I don't see what else I can do for her right now. She was panting a bit, standing very close to the cozy coop panel in her dark corner, so I moved her to the roosting platform in the brooder and she stopped panting, so I don't think it was trouble breathing in general. She had seemed cold before and wanted to be near it, but that was outside and then being just from outside. The room here is warm now, I had been keeping it cooler so they wouldn't have the big temp swings going in and out.

I felt her all over, there's a lot of bones and not much abdomen to even try to feel her insides. I weighed one of the others and they weigh 1lb 6.5 oz, so her weight of 1lb 8 oz is in the ballpark. I haven't weighed anybody up to now.

It's strange if it is coccidiosis, and if it's something else I don't know what or what to do. There was another poop under her, could be from her or her friend right next to her, so I'm doing another float test with that now. The first test of the siblings' poo showed nothing abnormal to my eyes.
I really don't know!
Ijak has less feathers around his neck, but he does not have a bare neck. Also his tail seems to be losing feathers too.
Probably molting. If you are able to catch him - try to pick him up by having him step onto your hand - and gently lift the feathers on his neck. You will most likely see some new feather growth and/or feather pins under the feathers that are still there. If he is molting, you will want to give him space and NOT try to cuddle, as again, the pin feathers can be uncomfortable to down right painful if bumped.

Poor Snowbird looks bedraggled. His feathers are all over.
I left home yesterday afternoon, i put the guinea cage together first, and got to Midland around 1 AM. Hotter than blazes today. Lucked out that the job is only a few miles from my hotel.
I'm glad you are there safely. So sorry to hear about Lety's friend's husband. I hope you enjoy the work and are able to help Lety even though you are away. :hugs :hugs :hugs
My rooster seems to be acting strangely. The weather changing may have something to do with it. But I don’t know.
@Ponypoor , do you notice if Mr. P is acting normal, or is he acting strange too?
I have Jaffar under close surveillance today. He’s inside the house eating at the moment.
Well Mr P is molting so he is pretty subdued, but I did see him breeding Sophia once, he isn’t overly amorous of late.

Marty and Penelope have been grooming his head feathers today, Marty is very rough! She grabs hold and gives a good tug to his coiffe!!!

Tonight he went and snuggled up with Marty - I think he is just subdued with molting.

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