Yes, in the late fall and early spring. But this was a big one, a centimeter of ice here and there, more in some places, less in most places. But lots of power outages, and even after our power came back we had two drops.

Serious thought to next desk computer (this one with Win10 is from 2015) being a laptop for this reason, the battery/ power supply is great when there’s breaks in power or drops in voltage. It would need to be able to support two external screens, a real keyboard, a real mouse, additional external backup hard drive, etc.
Okay, so only on for a bit - and I am WAAAAAAYYYY behind. BUT, have you thought of just having a back-up 'generator'? I bought one so I can have power at my main coop/run for a heated waterer in the winter. (Now if I can just get to that project of getting the solar panels set up!)

I got a Jackery solar powered 'generator' (rechargable battery - but with the charge controler and ac/dc converter integral, as well as usb and standard power plugs, Can be recharged by plugging in or by solar panels. My plan is to mount 2 solar panels angled for WINTER sun, as that is wen I will need most power. I did not buy their solar panels as I wanted ones that would still produce energy in low light/cloudy days (though less, still will work)

Note: These are pricey because of the included control mechanisms, but I got mine on a 30% off sale. If you or your hubby are electronically minded, you could probably build your own with 1 or 2 deep cycle batteries (think: RV batteries ~ $150 each) and then getting the individual electrical/controling components But, I'm not confident with my electrical skills, and I like the fact that it is encased so safer & protected from all the dust kicked up by chickens.

Tax pic:


This is supposedly 'California Grey", From TSC (which means Hoover) High producer of white eggs. What do you think_ LeghornXBR?? Poor things - yet another high production breed destine to break backyard flock owners with short lives just for a few extra eggs a year! 😢
I really am hoping that Pegasus is a good rooster.
I am so done with Pastel. If his son isn’t well behaved, I’m going to cry.

Gumbo was a sweet rooster. The only problem with him is that he attacked my girls. He never attacked me or anything. But he was too aggressive with my ladies.

Pumpkin and Basil (third and second roosters) were awful. I rehomed them both but they passed away. Basil has many sons at his new home.
I helped Pumpkin’s owner process him earlier in the school year, because he was very aggressive. He has a few sons left.

Pastel is awful to me. He is fine with the ladies, and always puts them first. Every time I walk into my coop though, he attacks my foot and tried to spur me. He was my first ever chicken, so I am reluctant to process or rehome him. He means a lot to me for being my first chook, but I can’t stand him.
The last week I haven’t gone in the coop because I’m too scared. It’s awful and I hate that I’m scared of a nine pound rooster. His spurs are so sharp, and I can’t trim them because I can hardly hold him anymore. He pecked my mom’s face last year when I was holding him and she still has a scar.

I’m not sure if I can cull him, and I don’t know anyone who would give him a good home.

I don’t want to get rid of him yet, because Pegasus is still so young. His mom is amazing, but I’m worried that he might be aggressive because of Pastel’s personality. I’m also not sure about his personality because of his broody mom. Willow is sweet enough, but I’m not sure if the way she is raising him will affect his personality.

Right now I hate Pastel with a passion. I don’t like it, because he has always been my favorite bird. He’s never had a problem with me up until a few months ago. I’m tired of his crap and I want to get rid of him.

What do you guys think? Get rid of him now and leave my girls with no rooster, or wait and see how Pegasus turns out?

I’m going to need to go into my coop eventually, but he’s going to flog my leg. (Flogs the word, right?)
Teddy is a terror also, he is going home tomorrow thankfully. He has done his deed breeding my hens for my niece to hatch eggs for her class where she teaches. But he is very aggressive - I will not miss him.

You know there is a saying out there 'it costs just as much to feed a bad horse as it does a good horse'. The same holds true for any animals really. If Pastel is a jerk and a danger to you and your mum I would say put sentimentality aside and either re-home him, or do him a favour and process him.

You are too important to have to deal with bad behaviour like that.
Okay, so only on for a bit - and I am WAAAAAAYYYY behind. BUT, have you thought of just having a back-up 'generator'? I bought one so I can have power at my main coop/run for a heated waterer in the winter. (Now if I can just get to that project of getting the solar panels set up!)

I got a Jackery solar powered 'generator' (rechargable battery - but with the charge controler and ac/dc converter integral, as well as usb and standard power plugs, Can be recharged by plugging in or by solar panels. My plan is to mount 2 solar panels angled for WINTER sun, as that is wen I will need most power. I did not buy their solar panels as I wanted ones that would still produce energy in low light/cloudy days (though less, still will work)

Note: These are pricey because of the included control mechanisms, but I got mine on a 30% off sale. If you or your hubby are electronically minded, you could probably build your own with 1 or 2 deep cycle batteries (think: RV batteries ~ $150 each) and then getting the individual electrical/controling components But, I'm not confident with my electrical skills, and I like the fact that it is encased so safer & protected from all the dust kicked up by chickens.

Tax pic:


This is supposedly 'California Grey", From TSC (which means Hoover) High producer of white eggs. What do you think_ LeghornXBR?? Poor things - yet another high production breed destine to break backyard flock owners with short lives just for a few extra eggs a year! 😢
Hmmm yes I would bet that is what they are crossed with - like those Azur Blue of mine - LeghornxAraucauna.
Hey everyone.

Ugh, I caught the crud while out and about in Lexington Tuesday. It hit me early yesterday morning. Could not breath, congestion, body aches and my head feeling like it is going to explode. By midafternoon I gave up trying to do anything productive and just hit the bed and passed out. Rosie ended up going out and putting up the chickens although she forgot to gather the eggs. Today has been much the same. I will say I finally broke over this afternoon and tried the Mullen tea dad swears by. First let me say, I despise tea, hate, hate, hate the stuff. This afternoon, if I thought it would have cleared up my head I would have went outside and drank muddy chicken water. Dad brewed me a cup and I managed to drink it even though it tasted terrible. 30 minutes later, I can take my first deep breath in almost 2 days without a coughing fit and my nose stopped running. Dad has turned into a huge tea drinker and has all sorts of teas. He sorted threw his box and also told me the organic peppermint tea my help as well. I'm currently sipping on it. At least it tastes better. I will work on Part 2 of Momma hens story hopefully tomorrow if I am up to it.

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