free range question

My ducks are stupid. They don’t seem to know what is good and what is bad. When I first insulated their house they would eat the insulation like crazy as if it was cotton candy 🤦‍♀️ I’ve also cought them eating styrofoam. Don’t know how they aren’t dead yet 😅
My chickens did the same thing. I read somewhere that for some reason chickens love insulation and styrofoam
Most animals have pretty good instincts on what they should or shouldn’t eat(except for a lot of dogs, it seems 😂), i wouldn’t be too horribly worried.

If it’s any consolation, I live somewhere where there several “toxic” plants, and have never had any issues with free ranging making chickens sick. It’s pretty amazing actually!

I agree with others here, be more prepared for chickens chowing down on everything in your garden that you don’t want them to 😂 I’d say put together a plan to keep your birds away from any leafy greens and brassicas at the very least 😂

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