Gambel Quails


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2015
Im thinking of raising Gambel Quails. I live in Arizona so I think the climate would be suitable. What do I need to be able to keep them? What type of coop would they have? Hw many fertile eggs do they lay? how much space for each bird? Any information would be nice. Im starting out in this and the only experience i've had with poultry is a couple years ago when I had 3 chickens.
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I just LOVE the call of the Gambels!! I live up the mountains now but when I lived down in the desert, the Gambels would come around the wild bird feeders to eat the fallen seed. I love how they all filed out single file with top knots bobbing. Ha!

They are kept in pairs, 4 square feet per bird. They would prefer aviary style set ups but you can keep them in pens or hutches.

They are seasonal layers, breeding and laying between April and October. A hen will lay 4 to 6 eggs a week depending.

During breeding season you should keep the pairs separate from each other as they can become highly territorial and fight. However after the season is over, they enjoy the winter covey and you can mix them back together. Try to remember who goes with whom as they mate for life.
Thank you! Very informative! Do you know how I would be able to build an aviary or how much they cost? Also how do they fare in summer time in Arizona? Also, how would a Gambel quail react if its mate was butchered? I.G. Depressed? (Can birds get depressed?)
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I use dog kennel fencing and cover it with hardware cloth. But you can use wood as well with hardware cloth. Stop by our coops pages here on BYC and look at members runs for some ideas.

Gambels fair well in the heat out here in the southwest as long as they have shade. I use a roof over my aviaries to keep the rain out as well. Dampness will breed bacteria and parasites.

They mate for life and will mourn over the loss of a mate. However if you are eating these birds, you will want to do this long before they are mature enough to pair up. Most birds will pair sometime around 6+ months of age. If you are eating them, you might want to eat them before 3 months of age.
I use dog kennel fencing and cover it with hardware cloth. But you can use wood as well with hardware cloth. Stop by our coops pages here on BYC and look at members runs for some ideas. 

Gambels fair well in the heat out here in the southwest as long as they have shade. I use a roof over my aviaries to keep the rain out as well. Dampness will breed bacteria and parasites. 

They mate for life and will mourn over the loss of a mate. However if you are eating these birds, you will want to do this long before they are mature enough to pair up. Most birds will pair sometime around 6+ months of age. If you are eating them, you might want to eat them before 3 months of age. 

Do you mind showing me a picture of your setup? Also how many quails can fit in your aviary? How much do they weigh at 3 months? And thanks again!
Right now I only keep Bobwhites. They are about the same size as Gambels quail and require the same square footage as Gambels. Years ago I kept 2 pair of Gambels in this same grow out pen with the Bobwhites. It is 10x10 feet. I used to also have a 10x20 and a 10x30. The corragated part on the bottom kept everybody safe and secure. Without it, they all paced to get outside. Yes, a metal monstrosity. LOL If I had to do it over, I would go with a wood frame as I have since build in my chicken coop and run. The roof is a tarp on a pole I rolled over to keep the rain, snow and sun out at times.

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Agree your pens are beautiful! I'm wondering about the "height factor" for an aviary, though ... you didn't have problems with them flushing and hitting their heads because they had enough overhead room to build up speed?
6 feet minimum height. 7 feet if you can do it. My ceilings were all 6 ft. Only one time in all my years of keeping them in aviaries did one hen flush up this high and break her neck. Something came prowling at night. The quail do enjoy doing laps around the aviary and normally don't fly this high however. You can put in a false ceiling with a net or something that hangs down just in case somebody does flush.

I also use solar lighting all around the outside of the aviary, coops and runs. Like an airport run way. LOL But it really helps to repel the night critters. Predators are really drawn to quail and will come for miles when they smell them. I used railroad ties and buried one completely, then another on top to attach the panels too. Make sure your facilities are predator proof as possible. If you feel safe sleeping in there, then your quail will be safe as well.
Right now I only keep Bobwhites. They are about the same size as Gambels quail and require the same square footage as Gambels. Years ago I kept 2 pair of Gambels in this same grow out pen with the Bobwhites. It is 10x10 feet. I used to also have a 10x20 and a 10x30. The corragated part on the bottom kept everybody safe and secure. Without it, they all paced to get outside. Yes, a metal monstrosity. LOL If I had to do it over, I would go with a wood frame as I have since build in my chicken coop and run. The roof is a tarp on a pole I rolled over to keep the rain, snow and sun out at times.

Honestly, I love your cage, I have a fetish for corrugated metal, especially on roofs

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