

Dec 29, 2023
Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia.
G'day everyone from (not so) sunny Queensland, Australia. Big thank you for letting me join your online community. My wife and I have a 1 acre block and currently have 3 laying hens (ex-cage Hyline commercial layers) and recently acquired 6 pullets. 2 Welsummer, 2 Polish, Blue laced Barnevelder and a Barnevelder/Wyandotte cross. I am also into growing organic vegetables to feed us and the chooks. Look forward to learning from the more experienced chicken owners. Cheers.
Welcome to BYC.. Glad you rescued the battery hens. :hugs
You are in summer season,,, while I and many here on top of the world,, are in Winter. Not everyone is in frigid conditions though. I am somewhat.
There is a gardening thread that a number of peeps from Australia do post to. Most of the northerners, are waiting for spring to arrive. Another 3 months or so.
Ask anything you need to know.. We as a BYC community are here to help each other out. :highfive:

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
Welcome to BYC.. Glad you rescued the battery hens. :hugs
You are in summer season,,, while I and many here on top of the world,, are in Winter. Not everyone is in frigid conditions though. I am somewhat.
There is a gardening thread that a number of peeps from Australia do post to. Most of the northerners, are waiting for spring to arrive. Another 3 months or so.
Ask anything you need to know.. We as a BYC community are here to help each other out. :highfive:

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and:welcome
Thanks for the welcome mate 👍 We most definitely are in summer, been getting crazy storms here since Christmas. The rain has been very welcomed but not the wind and hail. I love the idea of like minded communities like this. The more we can share the better we are off. Cheers.
Kudos for rescuing the battery girls! And, congrats on the rest of the flock, too. Sounds like you have some lovely hens.

Sorry to hear about the storms. Is that usual for this time of year? Normally, here in the Midwest, we are freezing and snow has been flying for weeks. This year, it rained all day Christmas Eve and Christmas. Unusual, but not totally unwelcome. We're in a very long drought here.

Welcome to BYC; this is a great community of knowledgeable folks who enjoy helping others! We will assist you with challenges and cheer your successes.

Best wishes with your organic gardening. I, like @cavemanrich, am at least three months away from being able to turn soil.

It's good to meet you! Hope to hear more in the future!

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