Golden Cuckoo Marans


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 19, 2013
So I've been looking to get some golden cuckoo marans and just realized how hard it is to find some. I've been looking for about four months now and all I can find is hatching eggs. I figured I would start this thread because I'm sure I'm not the only one having a hard time finding chicks of this breed. Please join in if you too are looking for some or know where to order some quality Golden Cuckoo Marans chicks. Together I'm sure we can find great breeders of this variety. LET THE SEARCH BEGIN!!!!! Lol
omar4923, your post is old and you have no responses? Well, I'm not much on hatchery stock, but I gave up the seach for a private breeder and contacted My Pet Chicken. A long waiting list and you have to place your order in the fall basically. I am acquiring 5 this month of August. Will keep you informed on how good they are. I plan to breed with Belgian Malines for color. ;)
Thanks for the info. Yes, please keep me posted. I ended up ordering some eggs from eBay. Had good luck. I now have 6 cockrels and 8 pullets. They are all about 12 weeks old and doing real good.
Well, mine are all hens drat! I had to take what they had and be happy with it. Where do you live? Nothing in your profile as yet? I am from mid state Michigan and have been raising chickens for 3 years now and am just getting started into breeding. I acquired some belgian malines and have been trying to get golden cuckoo marans to cross them with. Hoping to establish a new color strain of the malines. If the color doesnt breed true, its a wasted effort. I think I might need 1 or 2 of your roos to make it work? Maybe you may want some malines eggs?
I live in deep south Texas. I've never heard of belgian malines. Do you have any pics.
Go to Malines/Mechels Club of North America on the web. I have a whole clan of relatives in Texas. Too hot for my cold blood. anyhow, check them out and their history. I think you will find them interesting and excellent meat birds.
I live in Kitsap County, in Washington state. My wife and I have been looking for 2 months for some GCM hens or pullets to our backyard flock as well. Hatcheries are sold out of eggs for the remainder of the season. We dont have any equipment for hatching eggs, but am willing to entertain the thought. Anyone out there willing to sell one hen or pullet GCM?
Hi, I live in England and today I bought two golden cuckoo marans, but most of the golden cuckoo marans that I have seen on this thread have a black body and gold head, but mine look like this hen

They also don't have feathered legs, but I am going to buy a golden cuckoo maran cockerel who has feathered legs, will the feathered legs from the cockerel be passed on to the father? Any advice would be much appreciated.

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