Hatchaholics Unite!

Finished my pen today. It's got LOTS of room. Does this mean I should hatch more babies??? LOL

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You've gotta have enough eggs to bribe all of your neighbors so they don't turn you in to the city!  Hatch more!  

If I have 12-15 hens (LEGALLY I can have 10...) I'll have 70 eggs maybe PER WEEK!

Hmm, how many eggs do I need to "bribe" the neighbors...

Might not hide the bator...
I belong here! Hello crazy hatchers!!

I have one incubator that can only hold 12 eggs with the turner, but without the turner i can squeeze in over 20. So i choose the second option. I have another one that can hold 24 with the turner, but without it it can hold probably over 50. Its running with the turner....but for Easter it wont be...hehe.

I also have 2 darn cute chicks that are ongoing 2 days old.

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