healthy chicken stop laying


In the Brooder
May 18, 2024
Hi all,
I am new member looking for help. I have 2 Rhode Island reds that are 1 1/2 years old. they started laying great in October 2022 went through great winter but in July 2023 eggs production dropped off. It was really hot, not sure why else and maybe molting. Egg production has continued to decline through the winter and now early spring and no eggs. Last egg I got was over 2 weeks ago. Hens look healthy, act normal. Free range at least 4 hours every day. Have access to oyster shell. Any advice is appreciated!
Welcome to BYC. Do you have a picture of your hens?
If you obtained your chickens from a hatchery, they are more likely to be production hens. Production hens produce more eggs there first two years but after that, they slow down drastically.
Thanks Janie
I did purchase from a hatchery and they sent them to me as pullets. I actually started with 3 and 1 died last summer from egg peritonitis. So do you think their production days are basically over? If I get more hens from a friend who has chick's and not a hatchery will they more likely lay for longer period ya think?


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Many production breeds time out of eggs around 2 years old, not all of them though. Make sure they are in a good healthy poultry diet, (organic feeds aren't always great for egg production) parasites and health issues can stop egg production, also keep the treats down to a dull roar. Check out this article in why they may not be laying...

Best wishes with your birds, they are pretty! ❤️
Thanks Janie
I did purchase from a hatchery and they sent them to me as pullets. I actually started with 3 and 1 died last summer from egg peritonitis. So do you think their production days are basically over? If I get more hens from a friend who has chick's and not a hatchery will they more likely lay for longer period ya think?
Pretty girls. I think everyone is right, that they will begin laying again soon. It's actually a good thing, a rest will help them stay healthy and lay on into their old age.
I have an 8 year old hen who laid 9 eggs this year. (I know it was her because I confine her for a few hours every morning so she eats. She is blind. ) I was quite impressed. I don't think she laid that many all year last year. She has never been a great layer and I think that's why she continues to lay into her old age.

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