Healthy Poo or Not?


Sep 7, 2021
Just found this from one of our roughly 10-11 week old chicks. I've never seen anything like that before. Does this poop look healthy or do they require treatment for something? They're on a Dumor brand 20% chick starter/grower feed. Thank you!

How are they acting? That looks like a lot of intestinal shed, and some mucous. If they are all acting normally and you have only seen this once, I would just keep an eye on them. If you see more, if anyone looks off at all, lethargic, sleepy, sitting fluffed up, not eating or drinking well, then I would treat for Coccidiosis. Most common treatment is Corid, available at many feed stores or tractor supplies, etc. Often in the cattle or livestock section. Either the powder or liquid can be used, most find the liquid to be more convenient.
How are they acting? That looks like a lot of intestinal shed, and some mucous. If they are all acting normally and you have only seen this once, I would just keep an eye on them. If you see more, if anyone looks off at all, lethargic, sleepy, sitting fluffed up, not eating or drinking well, then I would treat for Coccidiosis. Most common treatment is Corid, available at many feed stores or tractor supplies, etc. Often in the cattle or livestock section. Either the powder or liquid can be used, most find the liquid to be more convenient.
They're both acting normal, they eat and drink well and there's no lethargy. However, there was one suspect chick who I have another post about. He trembled from the day we got him (I guessed he was 4-6 weeks when we got him, so I wasn't sure of prior conditions). I had uploaded videos but they are deleted now. I also uploaded photos of the poop which had always been normal. Despite his tremors, I had never seen any concerning amount of blood. The overwhelming consensus was vitamin deficiency so I gave him Vit E and B complex- he improved slightly, continued growing normally, is otherwise healthy, but is still trembly.

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