Heat and watermelon


Aug 14, 2022
Central Texas
It is incredibly hot here in central texas. I am giving my chickens a little bit of watermelon every day. The only other thing they get is their 20% chick starter crumble.

I know that treats every day is a no-no, but in this extreme heat I think the watermelon is helping them to stay hydrated.

Am I over doing it? We won't be out of the 105-108 for the next two weeks. I think we break the double digits on the 17th. Ugh!
How old are your chicks?

Another cool treat is to give them their chick feed, mixed with cold water to make a mash. You can add some electrolytes, like Sav-A-Chick powder, help them deal with the heat. Sprinkle 1/4ish teaspoon over the crumbles, then add the water.

During hot spells (our hot spells are NOTHING like yours), I will mix up mash and leave it in the fridge for a half hour or so.
Fresh fruits and veggies everyday won’t harm them :)
It actually can. You don't want them to fill up on high carb/fat low nutrition "store treats" or high fiber/water fruits and vegetables.

It's best not to over do melon, while it has electrolytes, it's also high in fiber and water which can cause diarrhea, which will dehydrate your birds.
How old are your chicks?

Another cool treat is to give them their chick feed, mixed with cold water to make a mash. You can add some electrolytes, like Sav-A-Chick powder, help them deal with the heat. Sprinkle 1/4ish teaspoon over the crumbles, then add the water.

During hot spells (our hot spells are NOTHING like yours), I will mix up mash and leave it in the fridge for a half hour or so.
We have 8, 9 week olds, 10 hens and a rooster. I keep them all on chick starter b/c of the rooster and the higher protein levels. They get oyster shells free choice. I do keep their feed moist with cold water, I give them new cool water every 2.5 to 3 hours. And I give them some watermelon at the height of the heat. Today it was 105 with a feels like 107 - horribly hot. Rooster is keeping them in the run most of the day b/c it offers the best shade/breeze for them. I do trickle water in the shade a couple of hours before sunset so they get some relief through that.
It is incredibly hot here in central texas. I am giving my chickens a little bit of watermelon every day. The only other thing they get is their 20% chick starter crumble.

I know that treats every day is a no-no, but in this extreme heat I think the watermelon is helping them to stay hydrated.

Am I over doing it? We won't be out of the 105-108 for the next two weeks. I think we break the double digits on the 17th. Ugh!
No, you are not overdoing it at all. Guess what? Before chicken feed, everyone used common sense. My chickens get watermelon everyday and will continue to until the heat index drops. Don't get hung up on treats. Where did we get to the point where we called vegetables, fruit and meat - treats?

I am taking bragging rights this week. I adopted a disabled hen this week. She can barely walk on one leg. She is 20-weeks old. She is a gift from God.
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It actually can. You don't want them to fill up on high carb/fat low nutrition "store treats" or high fiber/water fruits and vegetables.

It's best not to over do melon, while it has electrolytes, it's also high in fiber and water which can cause diarrhea, which will dehydrate your birds.
Thank you. I have noticed some wet stools, but not much. Definitely not filling them up on the melon, just a several small chunks each. I just feel so bad for them in this heat. They have shade, cool water and cold feed. Is this enough?
Thank you. I have noticed some wet stools, but not much. Definitely not filling them up on the melon, just a several small chunks each. I just feel so bad for them in this heat. They have shade, cool water and cold feed. Is this enough?
That's fine, though cold feed, while it adds hydration, can warm them up.
The body doesn't like cold things, so it works hard to warm them up for digestion.
Wet feed is fine.

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