Heat lamp doubled our electric bill. Want to raise more -


8 Years
Jun 17, 2011
What is the best way to give heat to chicks without causing a jump in the electric bill that is insane? I would like to get a few more chicks - but first have to find a better, more economical way of keeping them warm.
The Eco-Glow from Brinsea is 18 watts vs. a heat lamp at 250w. It pays for itself in a matter of 2 months.

I have 2 and will never go back! No fire hazard, no 24/7 light to disrupt sleep, no silly dangling cords and safety fears...golden, blissful peace of mind and easy heat for babies.
Are you brooding indoors or out? I brood indoors and find a 250W lamp to be way too hot for them, so I have it on a rheostat, which also makes it easy to turn it down as they feather out. But my lamp is only about 12" above the chicks. The further it is from them, the higher you'll have to turn it up to get the heat to where the chicks are. Likewise, if you are brooding in a horse stall you'll likely need multiple lamps to heat the whole area in order to keep them warm. Perhaps there are some modifications you can make to your set up that will reduce the heating costs?
I brooded mine in a rubbermaid tub for the first 4-5 weeks. I stapled chicken wire across a picture frame for a cover, and bought one of those shop lights at Lowes ($6-7) . I found that the tub holds in the heat and I was using first a 60 watt bulb, and quickly moved down to a 40 watt after only a week or two. Of course, you should be careful that you have it all figured out before hand so you don't overheat the chicks, but it worked great for us and was a lot cheaper. (Our average temp inside was 65-68 degrees, so it wasn't like it was warm inside to begin with)

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