
Free Ranging
5 Years
Apr 26, 2019
Hello y’all, this is en emergency!

We had 4 ND kids born yesterday, one was still born and the other 3 were fine until today!! The buckling isn’t doing good at all, we had tried giving Replacement Colostrum and a boost. He hardly has wanted to eat and we have been syringe feeding him, but he’s not wanting to eat a lot. He is standing and will walk a little, but then lays down, a bit lethargic, not wanting to eat much, runny poos (normal for a new born, but it’s not getting any better like his sisters). Please help!!!!! He’s my sister’s baby goat and I don’t want her to be sad of another loss!!!
Would be best to have your parents call a vet. In the meantime, copying and pasting this over on BYH would probably get you better advice.
Can you get a temperature on him? He needs to be between 101.5 - 103.5 and whatever you are feeding him needs to be about the same temp. Is his belly poochy, flat or empty?
What is his temperature? If his temperature is low, he will not be able to digest anything in his stomach. Is he even trying to suck?

If he didn't get any colostrum in the first 12-24 hours, he's probably not going to make it.
Can you get a temperature on him? He needs to be between 101.5 - 103.5 and whatever you are feeding him needs to be about the same temp. Is his belly poochy, flat or empty?
His temp is 101.3. Is that okay? His belly is a bit empty, we are gonna feed him here soon.
What is his temperature? If his temperature is low, he will not be able to digest anything in his stomach. Is he even trying to suck?

If he didn't get any colostrum in the first 12-24 hours, he's probably not going to make it.
Temp 101.3 He was trying to suck earlier, but stopped.

We believe they did get colostrum, but not a lot, that is why we are feeding some replacement colostrum.
Keep his temp up, no lower than what you have now. Make sure what you are feeding him is at least the same temp he is or he will not be able to digest it. If you can, give BoSe and B complex, usually subQ.
Feedings for an ND should be 1-2 oz at that age, you want a firm stomach but not poochy or bloated. You will need to feed him every 2-3 hours around the clock right know.

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