Help! Coccidiosis -and- Possible EYP?

Old Dixie Pines

Jun 12, 2020
Northeast Florida
I'm hoping someone can help me - I would SO appreciate it! We are fairly new chicken owners and have never had any health issues in my flock before. I have four hens (3 BA & 1BO) that I've had since they were 9 weeks old; they're now almost 1-1/2 years old. Last Monday we brought home 6 four-week-old BA chicks. We kept them isolated for one day for observation, and did not see any abnormal poop or behavior. We then put them in a "look but no touch" style coop within the run with the rest of my birds. Yesterday, exactly one week later, in the afternoon I noticed my BO sitting by herself and not eating. She would occasionally get up and get something to drink and walk around a little, but not much. She acted perfectly normal the day before. I remove their poop from the run every day (sometimes twice a day). That day, I noticed some bloody poop and assumed it was hers. My husband checked the chick's enclosure and found bloody poop there, too. I immediately started a course of liquid Corid (2 tsp per gallon of water) for the whole flock and in addition, gave my BO a liquid drench (.1ml per 1 lb), per the excellent instructions provided by Casportpony.

This morning when I went out to perform my chores and check on everyone, I found that one of my BA is now behaving the same way. We gave both her and my BO an oral drench and will repeat it this evening. I then noticed very bad looking poop - one near my BO and another near my BA - both were very fresh (pictures attached - I hope I posted the photos correctly - they're huge). You can see the the blood in the one. The other looks like it might have egg yolk in it and came from my BO. Is it possible she's dealing with both Cocci -and- Egg Yolk Peritonitis?

I will continue the course of Corid, but now I'm even more concerned about the possible EYP in my BO, as I've read it's probably fatal. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? I don't know much about chicken health, but I'm trying to learn as much as I can. Unfortunately, we are unable to take any of them to a vet. I really care about my chickens, and I feel horrible about this.
Chicken Poop 1219 Zoom.jpg
Chicken Poop 1231 Zoom.jpg
When one chicken shows signs of Cocci, you need to treat every chicken in the coop with Corid. It's very contagious, and even though it may seem as if the other hens are fine, it's more likely that they have it too and the signs haven't shown themselves yet. So start with that. It is possible she has EYP, but it looks like she just laid a shell-less egg due to the illness or stress. Regardless, you can't diagnose her with anything until the Cocci is gone. Hopefully that's all it is!
When one chicken shows signs of Cocci, you need to treat every chicken in the coop with Corid. It's very contagious, and even though it may seem as if the other hens are fine, it's more likely that they have it too and the signs haven't shown themselves yet. So start with that. It is possible she has EYP, but it looks like she just laid a shell-less egg due to the illness or stress. Regardless, you can't diagnose her with anything until the Cocci is gone. Hopefully that's all it is!
Thank you for the reply! I started all of them on Cocci at the same time - yesterday, as soon as I discovered the bloody poop. Both the chicks' water container and the hens' have Corid - I'm getting ready to exchange it for freshly-mixed Corid, and then give the two sickest hens another oral drench in about an hour.

I hope it's what you suggested as a possibility - that she laid a shell-less egg due to the Cocci! Thank you so much for your input!
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