HELP!! Duck egg pipped 24-31 hrs ago, is this normal?? **HATCHED, PICS


9 Years
May 18, 2010
This is my first hatch and I'm probably worrying about nothing.
One of my duck eggs pipped (my first egg to pip) sometime while I was sleeping between 24-31 hours ago. She has pipped more next to the first one (I think that's what's called zipping, right??) but I don't know if it is normal for it to take this long, though I heard ducks take awhile to hatch. But this long?? I really don't want to help her out if I don't have to, I hope she is here soon!! Here's a pic of the first pip, now she has pipped (or zipped?) to just underneath the center of the O
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It really is a long process. It usually takes around 24 hours from internal pip til they externally pip- then another 24 hours or so before they start to unzip. But it can take much longer as well and still be normal. As long as there is still some progress happening things are ok. Its only when nothing happens to any egg in the setting for over 24 hours that you should worry about anything. They sure can test our patients come hatching time. You would think after 28 days they would be more eager and quick to get out- but there is still a complex process that needs to take place before they are ready to get out and greet the world.
Thanks!! I was getting worried after she pipped externally and then didn't do anything for about 14 hours. But now she is hatching, we saw her beak and she's breaking the shell open!!

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