Help! I’m not sure what to do


May 14, 2024
So I’ve had my flock for 1 week now, they’re all 1 year old hens. I noticed since I got them some gave been pooping watery and yellowish. Yesterday doing some research I gave them Corrie in their water, today would be day 2. And none of the hens are lethargic or look sickly. They’re all alert and happy. I also bought a dewormer pill that I’m not sure if they need that. Maybe for preventative purposes. Any help on how I could treat this?


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Do you have any poop pictures to share? The one hen on the right has a very large crop. I would check it in early morning to make sure that it is emptying overnight. Or if it may be full and firm, doughy, or puffy. What is the name of the wormer pill? Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. For worming I recommend Valbazen 0.08 ml orally once and again in 10 days. Or SafeGuard fenbendazole 0.23 ml orally for 5 consecutive days.
Do you have any poop pictures to share? The one hen on the right has a very large crop. I would check it in early morning to make sure that it is emptying overnight. Or if it may be full and firm, doughy, or puffy. What is the name of the wormer pill? Corid dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. For worming I recommend Valbazen 0.08 ml orally once and again in 10 days. Or SafeGuard fenbendazole 0.23 ml orally for 5 consecutive days.
Yes I’m putting the 2 tsp per gallon in their water. It is a 3 gallon water tank so I’m using 6tsp. For the wormer I purchased roostys dewormer. Still needs to arrive. The crop of the hen that’s on the right, I’ve noticed gets like that when she’s done eating, but it’s not like that in the mornings.
You can run your hand down her crop and feel it to make sure that it is empty. Practice on other chickens who will let you handle them. Crops start out empty first thing in the morning, and gradually fill up by late afternoon or evening. If they still have food in them in the morning, and haven’t eaten or had water, they may have a crop disorder. Those include impacted, sour, or pendulous crop.
Yes I’m putting the 2 tsp per gallon in their water. It is a 3 gallon water tank so I’m using 6tsp. For the wormer I purchased roostys dewormer. Still needs to arrive. The crop of the hen that’s on the right, I’ve noticed gets like that when she’s done eating, but it’s not like that in the mornings.
I just felt her crop, it feels, squishy and I can feel grittiness, I massaged it and it’s about the size of a golf ball maybe a little larger
That product is snake oil, try to get your money back.
What's their diet?
Snake oil? What is? And they’re just eating a local layers feed from Conway feed. And every once in a while I will give them scratch feed in the afternoon. Also they have grit and oyster shells available at all times along with water
Snake oil? What is? And they’re just eating a local layers feed from Conway feed. And every once in a while I will give them scratch feed in the afternoon. Also they have grit and oyster shells available at all times along with water
The dewormer, it won't work.
They may be getting too much scratch, any other treats?

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