Help me understand the difference between BEARDS and MUFFS?

I agree the name "beard AND muffs" is a confusing name. It implies they are two different things but as far as I know it's all due to only one gene.

They can vary a lot in appearance though, both to being pure or not pure for the uh.. 'beard/muff' gene and various other genes that help how this trait looks.

A few birds can have a really skimpy, mostly smooth laying 'beard' but decent 'muffs'.. others can have skimpy 'muffs' but an obvious, hanging 'beard' and everything in between. Birds with the beard/muff like yours are very common. Then there are a few with both the beard/muff very sparse and laying smooth against the face so they appear not to have it but surprise by throwing chicks with beard/muff.

Birds with very obvious 'separate' muffs & beards usually were bred that way to match show standard.. they may seem well defined but it's still the same gene, just 'looks a tad different as in more defined and much bigger'.
I had two EE's about six yrs ago that only had Muffs and no beards.

The looked like regular chicken heads with feathers sticking strait out on the cheek area. It was interesting and pretty cool looking. Wish I had pics but I dont.
hmmm... gotcha, so it sounds like it's not too silly that it seems unclear to me.

So... for further clarification - muffs/beards are totally different from tufts, correct?

My understanding is that tufts are what true Araucanas have and they look like long, slightly curving feathers that stick out from near the ears. These tufts are produced by a gene that is tied to a "lethal gene" and thus it is difficult and frustrating to breed true Araucanas because there is a high mortality rate.

Am I correct in my understanding?
Sockpuppet, are you sure your EE didn't have tufts rather than muffs? Your description sure sounds more like tufts than muffs.

The gene that causes tufts is not tied to a lethal gene--it IS a lethal gene. A double dose (homozygote) will die between a few days before hatching to shortly after hatch.

If you breed heterozygotes to non-tufted none will receive a lethal dose. If you breed hets. together 25% will receive a lethal dose.
hmmm, got them from the feedstore. They said they were Ameracaunas. But since it was the feedstore I figured they were ee's. They laid green eggs. Maybe they were tufts. the one with the black head had the cutest feathers sticking out from its cheeks.

Wish I had a pic. Never took one.
Lisa she is so pretty. I love the color.

Mine are a week younger and some look like they have the muffs but no beards. Maybe their beards are just sparce. I do have one that I call Lady Blackbeard who has a beard/muffs.

Do most of your EE'rs have beards? Out of the 10 I have I think only half have muffs and a couple have beards.

Here's Lady B, I posted her on the Pic thread several days ago.

This is Carmelita, maybe she has a little beard?
Tammy -

That's so funny! My very favorite EE is named Lady Banks and I call her Lady B - just like yours! Good name
She actually looks quite a bit like yours as well, only her beard/muffs are the same color as her neck. If you are interested in pics of my Lady B, check out my blog (link below in my signature)... she's the star of the show around here
The very first pic you'll see is her, but there are many more, too.

So far all of mine have beards and muffs, though some are certainly more defined than others... but they grow and change so fast I'm always surprised...


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