
In the Brooder
May 2, 2021
So I have three roosters(they are rescues) that I looked after them since they were chicks.They are of 8 months now and get along pretty well.usually my roosters are very friendly and docile.They also set their pecking rooster no 1 and 2 seemed best friends.But yesterday suddenly they started to fight.Really a bad fight.I had separated them for a while and reintroduced them yesterday and they got along again.But in the morning,as soon as I opened the coop and they went outside they started to fight again.It seems like rooster no 2 had began to fight back.I love them dearly and its breaking my heart💔!
Can anyone help or advice me what to do?I really want them to get along again.

P.s:please refrain from saying to kill them.I love them. IMG_20210624_072225.jpg my two beautiful roosters!
I have two bantam roosters. They have been together since chicks. They are fine in the pen together but once you let them out and they get near one of the females in different pens they fight and won't stop. They will still fight in the pen for a bit but will settle.
I would separate them if they don't stop
I have two bantam roosters. They have been together since chicks. They are fine in the pen together but once you let them out and they get near one of the females in different pens they fight and won't stop. They will still fight in the pen for a bit but will settle.
I would separate them if they don't stop
Couldn't I keep them separate for a week then let them be?
I don't understand why they started fight all of a sudden😶

Because they are roosters.

*Sometimes* roosters can be kept in a bachelor flock without any hens within sight and not have more than minor dominance squabbles. Other times they will fight to the death for dominance. It's their natural, hormonal-driven instinct.
Couldn't I keep them separate for a week then let them be?
You could try it, but be prepared that it very well might not work. I would keep them separated a little longer, I think, and do what you can to make sure they can't see or hear each other so they can more thoroughly forget each other. You'll have to go through the whole integration process again.
I don't understand why they started fight all of a sudden😶
Cockerels go through a lot of hormonal changes in the first year or two of their lives. Aggression and dominance issues, whether towards humans or towards each other, can come up at any point in that process.

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