
Thank you for the reply. We were able to get her in with an amazing vet a couple hours away. It turns out Goldie had a tumor that we did not know about. We made the hard decision to let her go peacefully. It really tore us all up because she was truly the sweetest chicken we have ever known ❤️
I'm so sorry about Goldie. Thank goodness you were able to get her into a vet and get some answers. It's so tough trying to guess what could be wrong. But I can tell she had a good life with you and was so loved. :hugs
my sweet Goldie has been acting a bit off this last week. I noticed her staying puffed up which I figured was from the cold. We brought all 3 girls inside last night to keep them warm. This morning the 2 girls ran right out to their coop, but Goldie took her time. She stumbled down the step which is not normal for her. We decided to bring her back in. She sat in the same spot we put her down at in the kennel for a long time. She finally moved and I opened the door to see if she wanted to come out. She started doing an odd head bobbing movement and threw up clear liquid. I don’t know what to do and none of the vets around me can get us in anytime soon. Help!
threw up? birds aren't supposed to do that!

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