Hen just sitting listless with humped back.

Give her Extra Calcium daily for at least a week. You don't have to crush the tablet, just pull down on the wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Now, remember how she looked today, store this in your chicken memory bank - associate the symptoms, behavior and stance you saw today and how you treated her for future episodes. I promise, it will come in handy.
Give her one calcium tablet every day until she lays normal hard shelled eggs again
Will do! Thanks so much for your help!
When they look "humpy" like that, it's often the first sign that they're in pain or otherwise not feeling well. Another sign to look for is a tail pointing down at the ground.
I've seen droopiness before with another sick hen. This is the second time I've had a relatively serious illness on my hands, so you get to know the behavior, I guess.
Checked on her this morning and she’s droopy again, although not as bad as yesterday. She’s back in the cage now.
I hope she improves and starts to feel better soon!💕💕 I'm glad she's not worse than yesterday, but I'll be praying for you and your chickie!❤️
Checked on her this morning and she’s droopy again, although not as bad as yesterday. She’s back in the cage now.
You gave her Calcium this morning correct? If not, give it, she likely is having to expel another softie.

Is she getting picked on? Often it's not necessary to separate out a hen that is having trouble unless they are getting picked on. Some do o.k. with separation, while others it's an added stress.

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