Hen losing weight, lethargic, comb darkening


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2022
Georgia, USA
Ladybug is a three year old ISA Brown. Ladybug has been very lethargic lately. She just stands or lies down in the sun. She doesn't seem to be in pain. She doesn't fully extend her neck and keeps it hunched. I have not seen her poop at all. Her vent looks normal, with a bit of poop on the surrounding feathers. The edges of her comb are beginning to darken, and it is flopping slightly. I notice she fully closes her eyes sometimes, as if she is pushing. The rest of the hens are all very healthy and active. The only thing I can think of is that Dragonfly, a hen of the same breed and age, was acting the same way. However, I had to leave on a trip. The pet sitter said Dragonfly got frostbite on her foot and died before we returned, so I wasn't able to do much. Here are some pictures:
What is her diet like and has she been eating and drinking normally? Have you felt her crop? And is she still laying?
She still will eat food. I have her on organic layer feed with the other hens. They eat small amounts of kitchen scraps like apple and carrot peels. I have to dip her beak in water to get her to drink. Once I get her started, she will keep drinking for a while. Her last egg was about two months ago, she stopped during the cold weather and hasn't started again. She and her sisters have all been laying less, but the other two started again laying every other day. Her crop does not feel hard. I just saw her poop(finally) and it looks like it has grains.
She may have a heart or circulation problem. Usually, the darkening or purple-tinted comb can signal something like that.

Symptoms of Cardiac Disease in Birds
  • Lethargy.
  • Weakness.
  • Abdominal distension.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Bluish tint to the skin around the eyes, especially noticeable in African Grey parrots.
  • Exercise intolerance.

Used as a general treatment for reducing distress conditions of birds (fever or listlessness) that accompany many diseases. Dissolve five (5-grain) aspirin tablets in one gallon of water. Offer this solution free-choice to the birds for the duration of an illness.

Also, try giving her some ginger. Ginger can benefit circulation.

You can give her some Nutri Drench too! Nutri Drench is liquid gold when it comes to sick chickens.
She still will eat food. I have her on organic layer feed with the other hens. They eat small amounts of kitchen scraps like apple and carrot peels. I have to dip her beak in water to get her to drink. Once I get her started, she will keep drinking for a while. Her last egg was about two months ago, she stopped during the cold weather and hasn't started again. She and her sisters have all been laying less, but the other two started again laying every other day. Her crop does not feel hard. I just saw her poop(finally) and it looks like it has grains.
I'll try again.
Check the crop first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat or drink.
See if it's emptying overnight.
Make sure her crop is emptying overnight, if it isn't, then address that symptom.
Her mouth and vent look normal. I wasn't able to get a picture of her poop. I will keep trying but for now, describe it. It was runny, and yellow brown. The grains were white, and looked a bit like chewed rice.

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