Hen or Henry


12 Years
Jun 29, 2007
central KY
Kind of new to chickens and would like to know what breed this is as well as what gender.

Ok! Light Brahmas.
Kinda dark but in the last pic I'd guess the one on the left to be a roo.
Usually pretty calm birds. Nice brown eggs. However I had an evil lt brahma rooster once. Onery critter.
Maybe it's just me but they all look like they have pointy saddle feathers, meaning roos. Is that normal for Light Brahma hens? I'm not really familiar with the breed...
I have light brahmas and I'm having a hard time deciding what yours are too ...my rooster has a nice arched black tail on him and longer legs then my brahma girls...also the peacomb is larger on the roo then the hens...I may be wrong but I'm thinking hens by the pics but one does look to have pointy saddle feathers...You will know for sure when one crows or lays an egg!...How old are they?....
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They are only 16 weeks (darn things are as big as turkeys) I am thinking there is 1 roo and 2 girls. One is a little taller than the others.

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