How steep/wide is your ramp to get up into your coop for your ducks?


6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
We just got pekin ducks this spring. They are currently staying in our coop/run with the chickens. So far no problems. But the duck goes into the coop at night, but when I go out to check the drake is still outside. Now I have no idea if he goes in, I haven't gone out after dark to check. But this got me wondering if the ramp going into the coop is too steep for him, being that he's seems somewhat larger then her? Our coop is probably 2ft-2.5ft off the ground, so there is enough room for everyone to go underneath and get out of the elements.

So please show me your pics or describe what you have that your ducks use to get in and out of a coop! Thanks!
I avoid ramps, though I have read that ducks can handle up to a 30% slope.

Ducks are not often good with ramps, and I am a little worried your drake is apt to be attacked if he is stuck outside the coop all night.

A thirty percent slope, if I do this right, is about one foot of rise over three feet of run (horizontal). If the coop is 2 feet off the ground, then if the ramp is six feet long, that would be a 30% slope.

Ducks have hurt themselves falling off the sides of ramps. And Pekins are prone to leg problems. I would make some kind of adjustment.
My ducks have been fine with a foot+ of height. The 'ramp' extends at most 2 feet from the coop. I used a wire shelf from one of my old plant benches as a ramp, worked fine (of course that coop burned to the ground in -20F february). The new, deluxe coop has about a 9" from the ground opening, and the ducks will gladly jump over the last two or three inches without hesitation.
Thanks, unfortunately its a moot point. A coon got into the coop, well I left the door open since its been hot and stuffy and still last couple of nights. Never had a problem before. Sucks. Got our drake, Pong, and was able to drag him out of the run. I actually checked last night and everyone was in the coop, ducks too. Should have taken that as a cue. Severely injured one of my best layer hens, had to put her down, and injured another 20 month old pullet. Hopefully she does ok, we put neosporin on the gash and since its covered by her wings hopefully doesn't get pecked at. So we lost our 2 ducks. Trap is set, here's hoping we catch it.
Thanks, unfortunately its a moot point. A coon got into the coop, well I left the door open since its been hot and stuffy and still last couple of nights. Never had a problem before. Sucks. Got our drake, Pong, and was able to drag him out of the run. I actually checked last night and everyone was in the coop, ducks too. Should have taken that as a cue. Severely injured one of my best layer hens, had to put her down, and injured another 20 month old pullet. Hopefully she does ok, we put neosporin on the gash and since its covered by her wings hopefully doesn't get pecked at. So we lost our 2 ducks. Trap is set, here's hoping we catch it.
Never ever underestimate a predator. very sorry for your losses
My ramps was a little too steep for my ducks i have put some left over carpet on mine and they love it they go up and down fine now... Even tho they dont get n there coop of a night time nemore i have to go put them n.... I think its a big game with them


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