I can't find it!


Apr 21, 2020
Central Illinois
I'm searching but can't find what I'm looking for. I'm going to have to get some kind of shade cloth that will also let air circulate through. I don't have a lot of shade and will need to provide some when I get my chicks. Can someone please direct me to the right article or thread?!
You can get a tarp its water proof too you could just cover half your cage or you can make holes in the tarp and cover the whole cage where the sun keeps coming in.
I bought a 50’ roll of 6’ tall shade cloth from Amazon. It was great to put up on the South side of the run (chain link fence). The shade cloth let a lot of air through, but was really effective at significantly cooling down that entire south side of the run.

because It came on a roll, I had to sew a hem in order to hammer in some grommets . Hemming was very easy using my regular sewing machine and a straight stitch. Grommets were purchased at a home improvement store.

the other option, that was similar in price (although higher than my roll) was to purchased pre-sewn with grommets attached pieces of shade cloth. There are companies that do this and they were easy to find, order online.

it is good you are thinking of this now. I had to scramble for some shade cloth bc it was terribly hot and we needed a solution fast. This way you have some time to find what you need.
I have several shade cloths, it's a toss up between the amount of shade provided and the amount of air flow that moves thru. I have 80% er's and depending on the humidity and the wind it can feel pretty stuffy under them....they help for sure just don't expect miracles.
Best thing over tarps is the rain is diffused rather than gathering in puddles or running off it a torrent.

Deep all day shade is best but....these have worked wonders here:

I give a dose of Sav-a-Chick electrolytes/vitamins about once a week during heat waves.
It really seems to help....started this after they saved a heat stroked hen once.
Can mix up a smaller amount, just wrap the packet tight and store in a dry cool place.
Always have plain water available too.

BIG(9x14x2") chunks of ice last all day for wading, sitting, and sipping.
Much more useful to the chickens than frozen foods and treats.

Make space in your freezer!

Oh, and ... Welcome to BYC! @Unswydd
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