I finally have a job interview!!!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 2, 2009
Cardington, Oh
We have been struggling finanically and I have applied at every business in a 25 mile radius with NO luck. Late last week I emailed a friend whom I heard mention recently got a second part-time job. I asked her if they happened to have any openings. As luck would have it her first part-time job opened up to full-time and she was planning on quitting the 2nd job this week. She offered to give my name and number and be a reference for me!!!

I got the call today and go for my interview on Friday!!!
Obviously, I still need to come off well in the interview to ge tthe job but since I'm not a COMPLETE lunatic I think I should be allright!!

I would be working in the kitchen at the Lutheran Memorial Camp which is only 6 miles from my house. The hours are great too..either 6:30am-2pm or 2pm-7pm. I have been praying for an opportunity like this to come along and am so glad God answered!!!!!

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