I hear a Fisher Cat out there!

Believe me, if I had a gun, I would have blasted it, (only saw it once in broad daylight), without a second thought!:mad:

I hadn't fired a gun in years but last weekend my DH had me shoot the .410 so I would be familiar with it before I really needed it. Glad he did, I feel a little better now. I have seen a bobcat walk right under my clothesline while I sat in my truck. If I can scare a predator away then I wouldn't shoot at it. I would miss anyway but maybe if something bad shows up here I can scare it away.
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that is why I asked him for the shotgun and not the .22

And hats off to you for your ability to hit what you aim at.
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Their favorite natural prey are rabbits and porcupines. The reason we have so many now in the Northeast is that they were reintroduced to control the porcupine population. As is usual when man tries to interfere with the balance of nature, however, it didn't work so well. Wild rabbits take a lot of energy to catch, and killing a porcupine is time-consuming. In comparison, grabbing a sleeping hen off its nest or snatching a fat little housecat is a piece of cake.
Wow, they seem like nasty little buggers! I had never heard of them until I came upon this thread. The scariest part is their fearlessness of humans. How are you meant to protect your animals if you can't even scare the predator away without a gun?!

Thank God we don't have them here...well, at least I'm pretty sure we don't.
I went to the Missouri Department of Conservation to see if we had them here..but didn't see them listed at all. We have mountain lions (Mo. Dept. of Conser)denied for years, black bears, bobcats and tons of coyotes..we have enough predators without those scary things.

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